Urtica dioica, U. urens

Stinging Nettle
Urtica dioica, U. urens

sliced ginger

the plant: mint-like appearance, from ankle height (U.urens) to eye-level, with opposite, serrated emerald-green leaves and stinging hairs all over. their tiny flowers/seeds dangle from small stems off the main stalk. A wild 'weed' that spreads by rhizome is found around the world and wildcrafted relatively easily.

parts used: leaf, root, seed, stalk (cordage).

medicinal actions: nutritive tonic, diuretic, astringent, anti-allergic, alterative, hypoglycemic, hypotensive, blood tonic, vulnerary, removes dampness or phlegm.

indications: a chlorophyll-rich plant dense with nourishment. it is a powerful detoxifying, blood building tonic that can be used daily for overall vitality, even (especially!) when pregnant or nursing. also indicated for arthritis, myalgia, allergies, eczema, anemia, bleeding, hemhorrage, inflammation and any issue of the kidneys or excretory (+skin) system. also, incurring nettle stings on the joints provides effective (but intense - use caution!) arthritis relief. energetically, it can reveal hard truths that 'sting' to realize.

contraindications: fresh herb causes a stinging rash (urticaria) on skin - use caution or thick gloves. internal use in theory may decrease efficacy of anticoagulants.

preparation: eaten fresh, juiced or cooked; tea infusion; succus; tincture; urtication (see above).

note: This information is not a replacement for a trained herbalist. Please consult your medical professional before treating yourself or others with this or any other herbal remedy.



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