Taraxacum officinale

Taraxacum officinale


the plant: the common 'weed' you know so well. shiny, hairless serrated leaves lying close to the ground in a rosette around the central tap root, which is dark brown & milky within. hollow stems grow from the plant's center, holding blooms packed with bright yellow florets filled with nectar & pollen loved by bees. flowers close in darkness and mature to shimmery white tufts atop plumed seeds.

parts used: leaf, root.

preparation: leaves as food greens; root tea decoction; tincture.

medicinal actions: alterative, bitter tonic. leaf:potassium-ruch diuretic. root: hepatic, cholagogue, laxitive, hypoglycemic, anti-rheumatic.

indications: root is a tonic bitter diuretic & detox herb that relieves liver & gall bladder congestion and works with the waters of the body (lymph, blood, urine). the leaf is a uniquely safe diuretic that replenishes potassium while releasing water. the root works with the lymph, supporting breasts, lactation, & swollen glands. root also addresses liver "fire" & bile stagnation & thus a good remedy for sinus allergies, frustrated anger or extra fatty food. can aid blood circulation & disorders, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, jaundice, skin eruptions, muscular rheumatism & more. milky sap can be used topicaly to remove warts.

contraindications: root is always safe. use diuretic leaf with extra care if there is kidney disease.

note: This information is not a replacement for a trained herbalist. Please consult your medical professional before treating yourself or others with this or any other herbal remedy.


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